Salvatorian Seminary: In the Shadow of the Divine Word

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Salvatorian Seminary: In the Shadow of the Divine Word

Biblical “career” of St. Joseph was brief. Spectacular events, in which he participated, always took place in the shadow of Our Savior, but his role in the life of the Church is enormous. On March 19th this year, the solemnity of Patron Saint of the Society of the Divine Savior, the seminarians of third and fourth years of the Major Seminary in Bagno, became lectors and acolytes.


The celebration took place during the Holy Mass presided over by Fr. Piotr Filas.


Our new lectors:

Cl. Damian Jaje
Cl. Roman Stepanov
Cl. Wojciech Woźniak
Our new acolytes:

Cl. Wojciech Czarnota
Cl. Dariusz Jasuba
Cl. Tomasz Koza
Cl. Kamil Leszczyński
Cl. Tomasz Nowacki
Cl. Paweł Radziejewski
Cl. Jakub Trzópek
Cl. Hubert Vogel