Generalate SDS: Visit to the tomb of Fr. Jordan

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Generalate SDS: Visit to the tomb of Fr. Jordan

The Founder of the Salvatorians entrusted this religious family to the special care of St. Joseph. On March 19th this year, His Eminence Angelo Cardinal Amato visited the tomb of Father Francis of the Cross at the Motherhouse of the Salvatorians in Rome.


During the Holy Mass the Prefect of the Congregation for Causes of Saints promulgated the decree on the heroic virtues of Father Francis Mary Jordan. It took place at the recommendation of Benedict XVI from January 14th 2011. On the same day the Holy Father approved the date of beatification of the Servant of God John Paul II.

Exactly twelve years ago, John Paul II visited the Motherhouse of the Salvatorians, on March 19th 1999 and prayed at the tomb of Father Francis.